“Instagram Bruteforce” is a software application or method utilized to gain unauthorized access to Instagram accounts through a brute force attack.
Bruteforce Attack. Brute force is a trial-and-error method used by hackers to crack passwords or encryption by systematically trying all possible combinations until the correct one is found.
[+] pkg update && upgrade
[+] pkg install git python
[+] git clone https://github.com/khamdihi-dev/Prem
[+] cd Prem
[+] chmod +x setup.sh
[+] ./setup.sh && python menu.py
pkg install tur-repo -y
pkg install python3
pip3.11 install pip –upgrade
pip3.11 install faker
pip3.11 install rich pytz bs4 pycryptodomex ibrut_user_agent –upgrade
git clone https://github.com/khamdihi-dev/Prem
cd Prem
python3.11 run.py